Stories archive March 2018

24th March 2018

Brendan’s Easter Specials

Posted 24th March 2018

Why not drop into one of our traditional butchers shops this Easter and get all you need to make the holiday a success! Brendan’s Easter specials include;-  5Kg to 8Kg  Local Farm Reared Turkeys – £7.90 per Kg 6Kg to 7kg Gressingham Geese – £7.40 per Kg Guinea Fowl £7.50 each Veal Steaks £16.90 per

5th March 2018

Products Strike Gold at Smithfield Awards

Posted 5th March 2018

It has been a while since the Smithfield Awards were hosted at the beginning of February, but we are pleased to report that our products struck Gold. Out of the 4 products we entered we were absolutely delighted that 3 of those won Gold followed by a Silver. This effort is part of an on-going product